What the blog is about

This blog is a way keep everyone updated on the Miller's. The blog will take you through normal everyday life along with our clubfoot journey.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

6 mos appt!

I'm a little late for the 6 mos stats!  Knox will be 7 mos next week.  He had his appt about 2 weeks ago and looked perfect.  He sits completely unassisted and rolls all over the floor (with and without his shoes).  He gets up on all fours and rocks but has not grasped the concept of crawling forward just yet.  He does however LOVE to crawl backwards.  He babbles all the time and is the most smiley baby ever.  He has started sleeping through the night in his crib which has been wonderful.
6 mos stats:
Weight: 19.2lbs
Length: 27"
Overall he was 75th% for weight and only about 30th% for height but the pedi thinks that they didn't get an accurate measurement on his length (he was 75th% in length at his 4mos). 


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